Bonnie Longbotham
Longbotham Strategic Marketing
P.O. Box 441
Dalton, PA 18414
Dear Bonnie,
Thank you for working so diligently with EOTC to develop our marketing packet. The $9,000 in-kind donation to the "Building Our Future" Capital Campaign for Seventh Avenue Center is deeply appreciated. Your generosity enabled EOTC to move forward in renovating our new home…and to meet our challenge to raise $150,000 in cash by June 30, 2010.
Beyond the positive fiscal impact on the Capital Campaign, your gift affirms the credibility of EOTC in our community, and honors all who strive each day to live and serve EOTC's mission…to promote family stability and economic self-sufficiency, with respect for each individual and the highest professional standards.
On behalf of Sharon McCrone (Executive Director), Mary Belin Rhodes and David Hawk (Capital Campaign chairpersons), the EOTC Board, our staff - and especially the families we serve - thank you. We are ever grateful for your consideration and support of EOTC.
With appreciation, as always,
Ruth A. Connolly, Ed.D.
Development Director